Our subscription list is still small, so the price of TRANSVESTIA remains at $4 per issue. More subscrip- tions would enable us to reduce this and/or have photos and cartoons. Please inquire of all your TV friends as to whether they are subscribers.

TRANSVESTIA is not intended as a private venture of the editor, but as a kind of Club Bulletin for all TVs. It is proving to be a big investment of time and money for your editor. But the "Cause" is impor- tant to me and to you so the investment is being made, but in order to continue it I must have your help in the form of subscriptions and material.

It would help greatly if you would get your money in early. It enables me to plan the size of the run, the number of pages we can afford and gives me some- thing in hand when I go to the printer. To help you, in turn a special offer of 3 issues for $10.


TRANSVESTIA will appear about every 8-10 weeks. takes a lot of time to organize an issue before typ- ing and printing can begin, so please send in your material early so that the contents of the next issue can be planned. Items may get left over till the next issue if they arrive after the section for which they are intended is completed. Please send in little items as well as big ones. We need them for fillers and for our News and Notes section. What is doing in your town or what has appeared in your newspapers will be of interest to other TVs. Send it in!

Please mark your name and address clearly on a slip that accompanies your money. Do not address it to TRANSVESTIA. Send money and all communications to:


Box 36091

Los Angeles 36, Calif.